jeudi 28 avril 2016

Used Link2SD and now Snapchat refuses to work properly.

I installed Link2SD. It did everything I wanted it to do. No issues there. Except maybe 1.

Whenever I open Snapchat it instantly minimizes. It doesn't seem to crash, just minimize. Whenever I try to maximize it, it just minimizes again and again. It wants to be minimized all the time and I can't get it to stay up.

Ive tried to reinstall it, delete cache/data, install older versions, force stop, move to internal and external. Nothing seems to help.

I'm not even 100% sure that Link2SD is to blame tbh. Its just the only thing I can think of. Truth be told, I like Link2SD more than Snapchat. So I'm not willing to get rid of it if it is at fault. Its just annoying that I can't get the damn thing to work.

Ive tried getting help in several other places but haven't gotten a single response. I'm hoping someone here can help or point me in the rite direction!

from xda-developers

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