jeudi 28 avril 2016

[System App Help] Apps in priv-app not showing in Android System

For clarity sake here is what im trying to do.

take camera folder that has camera.apk in it with camera.odex in the arm64 folder and move it into my system/priv-app/ that should hypothetically install it as a system app after a reboot.

Im doing this on a nexus 6p with android N preview 2 and the only file explorer that mounts the system as R/W is FX File Explorer (While in booted system; i have full control via TWRP though)
I do reboot because i know 5.x+ requires reboots between system changes.
I have done this via FX and is stays there even after reboots. Ive done this via TWRP and stays after reboot.
my issue is that after a reboot, the camera app does not show in the system. Its not is the app list in settings and i cant find any instance of the android system recognizing it.

I have this issue no matter what the app is unless i install the app as a non-system app first then manually create its folder system in system/priv-app/ and copy the apk to its newly created folder then uninstall the non-system app version and reboot. But i cannont do that with every app. Some have to be system apps from the beginning or they refuse to install (as expected)

Any help on this will be hugely appreciated!

from xda-developers

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