jeudi 28 avril 2016

LG3 wont boot + Blue screen

Hello, i faced a serious problem this evening, just after i finished a call phone, the screen of the phone went Blue and then it went off, i started to put it on again and then it showed the screen with LG and then it went black no boot at all. i removed the battery and i tried again and still the same, so i tried to remove the battery and put it again and plug it with the computer, it went on with charging battery and then suddenly went to blue screen again.

So i tried to put the recovery mode with power down and on/off and it worked i got the recovery mode screen with factory reset but it was only with factory reset, i tried it and then i put yes and it reboot and then after LG screen, it went black again....

so i tried to put download mode with usb cable but it wont, always i got the blue screen. what should i do, where is the problem exactly for people who had the same problem ? the batterye ? the motherboard ?

from xda-developers

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