jeudi 28 avril 2016

Just got a new E5823. Should I be suspicious?

So just bought a new (or what's supposed to be new) E5823 Z5C from eBay.

Opened it last night to find that everything was in Chinese. (It didn't do the usual Google setup prompt)

Should I be worried? lol

It also came with an app called AAStocks.
(Of which had Chinese characters in the logo when launching)
Do Z5 Compacts usually come with this app?

I've since factory reset, and changed to English, and it seems to be an authentic phone (Do they even make knockoffs?) , but that AAStocks app is still there. (It seems to be deletable though.)

Probably going to flash with another ROM anyways if I keep it, but kind of curious what everyone's thoughts are or recommendations on what to do. It's on 5.1.1 at the moment.


Edit: Also, has anyone ever had little cosmetic defects when buying these phones? Also found a tiny little imperfection in the bezel. Makes me wonder if this thing wasn't briefly used and resealed or something... :eek:

from xda-developers

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