mardi 27 septembre 2016

PI2 as a VPN

My topology:

ISP --------> Openwrt Router

/ \
PI2 VPN. PI2 Kodi

I am confused of how to safely use a VPN. If I connect only from my Kodi Raspberry PI2 to my second raspberry PI2 that is running as a VPN server, is that enough to hide/encrypt say, an IPTV stream, if using 2048 encryption? Or do I need to connect through my router as a client, to my PI2 VPN first, to completely encrypt traffic and hide my IP?

I'm pretty new to setting up a VPN, so go easy on me. If the above scenario isn't correct what is the best way to setup an in home VPN server? I'd rather avoid paying for a third party VPN service if possible.

Sent from my p8000 using Tapatalk

from xda-developers

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