lundi 29 août 2016

Finally compiled CM13 from source code. Now what?

Hi boys and gals and older fellows:

So, I have been following this forums for some weeks. I own a Redmi 2 Pro here in Mexico (2014819, 16 GB ROM and 2 GB RAM) and I wanted to test a fair amount of ROMS, I never had had a cellphone with so many custom ROMS available and I am very enthusiastic about it, so, I first went to CM13, then AICP, AOKP, DU, RR and even MIUI 8 Betas, until I found this ROM I still want to build called Paranoid Android. But I never compiled a ROM from source (I have been using Linux for many years, but never compiled an entire OS) and while I was trying to build AOSPA (or Paranoid Android) I realized it was too hard for my skills.

You see, I am only a user not a developer, and I see a lot of guys here developing and mantaining at the very same time, using their free time, processors, internet connection and patience for all of us, the users. So, I finally managed to compile CM13 from source and it runs pretty well (everything works) and it feels really great, like an achievement, but then I thought "Now what? Is it possible I can help other users? How can I learn more?". I know this is not a great achievement fro a developer, I did not create a device tree or developed a custom ROM or part of it or write a driver, I know too I can't really help any much more than I have helped to other users (as much or few as it can be). So, what do you think? I wanna learn more, I want to custom CM13 to my own needs as a learning exercise (add, remove, tweak governors; that sort of things).


TL;DR: I want to help people with a lot of work in his/her hands helping Redmi 2 community. I am a regular GNU/Linux user and I can compile CM13 from source. Is there any way I can help you to help others while I learn something more? Suggestions on what to do from now on are also welcome, keeping in mind I am not a developer and I do not want to be one.

from xda-developers

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