If you've ever used an adblocker on Android then you may have run into issues when trying to click on certain links. Searching for a particular product can often display a Google Shopping or Slickdeals link but actually tapping on it is blocked if you're using an adblocker. To get around this, XDA Senior Member mkhcb has come up with an AdBlocker Quick Settings Tile for those times when you want to quickly toggle your current adblocker. Included in the linked forum thread below is a Tasker XML file that adds a Quick Setting tile to your system, but the developer has also included a pre-compiled APK using Tasker's AppFactory.
Note that this project is intended for rooted users who uses a hosts-file based ad blocking solution, and not for unrooted users who use a DNS-based ad blocking app like DNS66. It should be noted that if you're using systemless root like Magisk, then you'll need to enable systemless hosts file in the settings for this to work.

Download the AdBlocker Quick Settings Tile App in our Forum
from xda-developers http://ift.tt/2o72Llj
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