mercredi 29 juin 2016

USB 3.0/3.1 and Type C ports


I get so confused with so many web pages explaining technical details about standards and specifications. May any of you give me a good and simple to understand rule for buying cables. No explanation needed:
- 56kΩ resistor is necessary only for Legacy USB Type-A to USB 3.0 Type-C?
- If I have a Type-C charger (the one it comes with Nexus6P with 5V and 3A), does that cable need to have 56kΩ too?

We have 2 mobiles at home. 1 Nexus 6P and 1 Huawei P9 (AL-029, yeah, the chinese ROM version). I want to buy chargers and cables for both of them. For home, car and computer use. Have no idea whatsoever what to buy. Of course, I could go with manufacturer ones but that's way too expensive and wouldn't cover all our needs.

from xda-developers

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